Kevin Ren

he/him pronouns

Department of Mathematics, Princeton University

Email: kevinren [at] princeton [dot] edu

I am a third year graduate student at Princeton University, advised by Assaf Naor.

I am interested in studying Fourier analysis and its applications to problems in geometric measure theory and metric geometry.

Here is my CV (updated Feb 2024).

Here is a talk and article about my work on the Furstenberg set problem.

Here is an article about my work on the Falconer distance set problem.

Publications and preprints

Analysis and Geometric Measure Theory

  1. Incidence bounds related to circular Furstenberg sets (joint with John Green, Terence L. J. Harris, Yumeng Ou, Sarah Tammen).
  2. L_p has nontrivial Euclidean distortion growth when 2 < p < 4 (joint with Assaf Naor).
  3. Random zero sets with local growth guarantees (joint with Alan Chang, Assaf Naor).
  4. On the projections of almost Ahlfors regular sets (joint with Tuomas Orponen).
  5. Sobolev extension in a simple case (joint with Marjorie Drake, Charles Fefferman, and Anna Skorobogatova). Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 2024.
  6. Weighted refined decoupling estimates and application to Falconer distance set problem (joint with Xiumin Du, Yumeng Ou, and Ruixiang Zhang).
  7. New improvement to Falconer distance set problem in higher dimensions (joint with Xiumin Du, Yumeng Ou, and Ruixiang Zhang).
  8. Discretized Radial Projections in R^d.
  9. Furstenberg sets estimate in the plane (joint with Hong Wang).
  10. A note on maximal operators for the Schrödinger equation on the torus (joint with Yuqiu Fu, Haoyu Wang).
  11. Incidence estimates for alpha-dimensional tubes and beta-dimensional balls in the plane (joint with Yuqiu Fu). J Fractal Geometry 11 (2024), no. 1/2, pp. 1–30
  12. An incidence estimate and a Furstenberg type estimate for tubes in the plane (joint with Yuqiu Fu and Shengwen Gan). J Fourier Anal Appl 28, 59 (2022)


  1. %-Immanants and Temperley-Lieb Immanants (joint with Frank Lu, Dawei Shen, Siki Wang).
  2. Topology of Augmented Bergman Complexes (joint with Elisabeth Bullock, Aidan Kelley, Victor Reiner, Gahl Shemy, Dawei Shen, Brian Sun, Amy Tao, Zhichun Joy Zhang). Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, p. 1-31 (2022)
  3. Extending the Graph Formalism to Higher-Order Gates (joint with Andrey Boris Khesin). Quantum Inf. Comput. 23 (2023), no. 13-14, 1128–1141.

arxiv page

ORCID 0000-0001-8348-022X

Invited talks